The initial event plan, upended by the pandemic, was to draw 1,000 people to Independence Mall. The pivot plan, a webcast streamed on the client’s website, has drawn more than 3,000 unique views. And the event sponsors are thrilled!

How’d we do it?

We knew from 40 years of experience that the marketing campaign had to be integrated and multi-channel. We knew it also needed engaging creative that would motivate women to take part in a celebration of their voting rights.
Promotion for Vision 2020’s Toast to Tenacity included digital billboard and bus shelter signs, social media ads and posts, email newsletter content, an email invitation, and an ad in the Sunday Philadelphia Inquirer. The resulting buzz and attendance made Toast to Tenacity a terrific kickoff to Vision 2020’s Women 100 event series.
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What do you need to promote? An event? A new service? Your business?

Email Kim Landry to start the conversation.  |  610.254.7425